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Monday, July 02, 2007


June Perfect Post Awards: Attention all you writerly mommies

Hey, kids, it's time for the June Perfect Post Awards, hosted by your mommyblogging friends Lindsay of Suburban Turmoil and MommaK of Petroville. Power to the blogger!

This month I am giving my perfect post award to Mama Luxe of Mama Saga for her post 15 Tips for Freelance Writing Success.

*Wild applause*

Many of you mommybloggers are discovering that you are, in fact, talented writers. Many of you are wondering if you can now turn your talent into cash; will somebody pay you to write? Well, you can and they will, but it helps if you know some things about freelance writing and how the business works. As Mama Luxe puts it:

...I am tired of seeing desperate housewives scammed. People are constantly asking me, Should I subscribe to this service? Is this a good offer? How do I get paid to write? Because I don't think this is a zero sum game, I'm happy to share some of what I have learned. Maybe you'll share some tips with me, too, about this subject, or something else down the line.

Bravo, Mama Luxe! I'm all about the education of my people, my fellow mommybloggers. As well as--not suprisingly--the education of myself, the mare bear (as I was once called.)

If you're interested in becoming a freelance writer or a professional blogger, go check out her post. There's some good avice in the comment section, too.

And if you want to see the rest of June's perfect posts as well as all of the hundreds of past perfect posts, check out the Perfect Post Award Library over at Petroville. Happy Monday!