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Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Repair and prepare


I’ve had many conversations lately with people who want to explain to me in political terms why the situation in Louisiana happened and also why it’s so horrible.

The conversations are interesting, but the truth is that I don’t care.

I don’t want to focus my efforts on hating the president or anybody else in the administration. I’m not interested in talking heads or rolling heads. Or justice, for that matter.

Right now I’m more interested in letting survivors of Katrina know that a nation made up of caring individuals didn’t write them off as goners. I want to personalize the political.

So I’m doing what I can: donating money to the Salvation Army; sending off boxes of gently used kid’s clothes, blankets, and toys to shelters in Baton Rouge; donating blood, and I’m working under the assumption that if everybody did a little it would add up to a lot.


I’m also working with my husband to better prepare my family in the event that we are hit by the next major natural disaster. After all, we live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is riddled with faults. It’s not inconceivable that we get hit with “The Big One.” And when we do get hit, we’ll have no advance warning.

Here are some things to think about when preparing for an emergency of your very own:

Department of Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security goes over how to prepare a kit of emergency supplies, how to make a plan for what you will do in an emergency, and how to be informed about possible emergency situations.

FlyLady has written up 11 points to preparedness for evacuation. Her list includes things that are specific to women and particularly women with families. It’s worth a look.

ICE=In Case of Emergency
Bob Brotchie, a paramedic from England, came up with a simple yet brilliant idea.
1. Decide upon some emergency contacts, for example, your husband, your wife, a friend, a sibling, etc.
2. Inform that person that he/she is one of your emergency contacts. Give them any important medical information, e.g., medications needed, allergies, etc.
3. In your cel phone, put the initials ICE before that person’s name.
Emergency medical personnel and police officers will know whom to call if they find you and your cel phone.