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Location: Northern California

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


My phat life

Phat. adj. Slang., -ter, -test.
Excellent; first-rate

It's a beautiful fall day here in Northern California and I’m sitting at my local Starbucks, sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I owe my newfound craving for this sugar and spice delight to Jenny over at Three Kid Circus. Unfortunately, I ordered it this time with non-fat milk and it's just not as good as with whole milk. Lesson learned: life is better when it's phat.

Kris over at Crib Ceiling tagged me and I had to search my archives for the fifth line in my 23rd post. Here it is: Instead, we put them in our worm garden, where lots of red earthworms eat the scraps and make an extremely nutrient-rich soil.

My 23rd post, entitled "Spring is in the air," was written April 1, 2003, when I was 28 weeks and 6 days pregnant with my daughter Emily. You can read the full post here.

Yes, this link takes you off blogspot and directs you to my old journal on my personal site, I've been journaling online since 2002, surprise! For fun, I've added links to my 2002, 2003, and 2004 journal entries under the Archives section on the right. During 2002-2004 I was pregnant first with Emily (born June 26, 2003) and then with Thomas (born December 6, 2004). Many of my archived entries are pregnancy related. Some are about the joys of postpartum weight loss and the horrors of pregnancy weight gain, two necessary-yet-evil processes that I simply did not enjoy. Does any woman? [Note: If you are this woman, I do not want to hear from you.]

Going through my archives was both a pain in my behind and a joy to my heart. The pain in my behind (and wrist) is due to all of the hand-coding I had to do to get my archives organized. Yo heart blogger! Before I gave up on and started marytsao.blogspot, I averaged one entry a week. Now, I'm averaging one entry every two to three days. Woo hoo! And I'll never have to spend time organizing entries again! Sweet.

The joy in my heart is directly related to the excitement I feel about doing more blogging. It was inspiring to go through my archives and be reminded of things I had completely forgotten. Like how we used to call Emily Scoo-da-lee-do, and how I cried during storytime at the library, and how I submitted an essay to the Erma Bombeck essay writing competition and did not win. At the time I wrote those entries, they were just a lot of this and that about the here and now, but in retrospect, they're the chronicles of my life, of the life I have with my husband, and of the life I have with my children.

In retrospect, my life is phat! And I like it like that.