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Location: Northern California

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Mother, May I?

Me, by Emily
Originally uploaded by marytsao.
It's hard to believe that we are already in the month of May. Time flies, eh?

Today was a good day. Here's how I described it on Flickr: The park, lunch at Long Life Noodle, the aquarium, some meandering around San Francisco, a visit to a bookstore, then home to dinner, bath, and bed.

I forgot to include the fact that Mike had a poker game tonight so I was on my own all day. It was fine although I did eat two handfuls of Hershey's kisses the minute the kids went to bed. One for each child, I suppose.

I also forgot to mention that our most recent yard work is fast nearing completion. The kids and I came home today to find that all of the pavers are down. Tomorrow the landscaper is going to clean up everything and plant the beds with the plants I bought a couple of weeks ago. He'll be back on Saturday to put down the sod. How wonderful. It's so nice to look out Mike's office window and see the work that has been done. I've been very fond lately of staring out the windows at the yard. Spring is such a nice time of year.

And now it's raining and the sound of raindrops hitting our foam roof reminds me of how happy I am to have a roof over my head.

Let's see. There are some things I want to remember about the kids. Now what were they again? Something about how grown-up Emily has been appearing to me lately. And also how she has been showing much talent as a budding photographer. Oh, and how both of the kids love their new crocs (Sorry, Heather), especially Emily.

Tomorrow there's music class, my afternoon off, then date night with Mike; Saturday's highlight is the annual Mother's Day luncheon with my moms club. I'm not seeing any clouds on this horizon. Hope you have a great weekend planned!