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Sunday, November 06, 2005


NaNoWriMo Day 6: Ann Douglas said it best

Ann Douglas has written some powerful words about "the rollercoaster ride of the writing life." Check out her Newton's Third Law -- for Writers post. In it she compares the dark days of a writer's life with the dark days of motherhood, and explains that we as writers--just like we as mothers--shouldn't be afraid to speak up about those days.

Ann writes:

In many ways, writers need to experience the collective empowerment that has given mothers the courage to speak up about the darker side of motherhood. They also need to realize that, like mothers, they are creators and nurturers (in their case, they give birth to ideas and nurture those ideas along). This makes them essential to the publishing process and, as such, they deserve to be treated with respect. But far too many writers lack that respect and sell themselves short, not valuing the work they do -- work that can't be replicated in exactly the same way by any machine or even any other human being.

The moral to the story: If you're having a bad writing day, take heart; you're not alone. We've all been there. It's okay to have bad days. And don't let your inner critic get you down; what you're doing is special, it's important, and you should feel good about it.

Thank you, Ann.

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