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Location: Northern California

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Happy Birthday to Mike

Today is Mike's birthday. He turns thirty-(*grumble* *grumble* *cough*), but he doesn't look a day over twenty-five. And he acts fifteen. Kidding!

Mike is a fabulous guy and every day that I spend with him, I get to know him a little bit better. He is formally trained as a lawyer and he knows the rules of logic: two reasons that make arguing with him extremely annoying and mostly unsatisfying.

But he's level-headed, trustworthy, a hard worker, a good role model, fun, sexy, and he always puts his dirty clothes in the hamper. I know!!! Hey, it didn't take me long to realize that this one was a keeper. Mike version 37.0 is pretty damn near perfect with only a very few, minor bugs. No show stoppers here.

Happy birthday to you, my husband and father of my children. You are a patient, kind, generous, and loving dad, husband, and person, and I'm happy that you are in my life. Here's to a year filled with endless possibilities and growth.

The Birthday Boy

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