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Location: Northern California

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Somebody's always trying to eat her cookies

I am on day five of my illness, and I'm hoping that it's the last day. I was talking to a friend yesterday and as soon as she heard I wasn't feeling well--and after I discreetly indicated it was a gastrointestinal bug--she loudly exclaimed, "I had that! It's nonstop diarrhea for five days straight!"

If she's right, then today was my last day of this shit. No pun intended. Is that even a pun? I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Life's been on standstill while I rock back and forth and curse the day I was born. I'm hoping the pace will pick up tomorrow. In the meantime, here are some stories that Emily told me today.

Story #1 by Emily Tsao
One day I was making some cookies and my mother loved them. Then a pony got here and then he was eating my cookies. I was going home and making my cookies and he ate one cookie and he went with me and he ate some cookies. Then we went round and round and I went back home. The end.

Story #2 by Emily Tsao
One day I was with my mother and then a wolfie guy was eating my cookies. Cookies are chocolate chip cookies and then they were all gone. And then a wolf was eating them and Thomas is a wolf. And then he was eating my cookies and then he was making a cake for my mommy. And then I was going back home. The end.