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Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Chicken soup and holiday cards

Christmas tree: after
Originally uploaded by marytsao
It was raining when we woke up today and shortly after a heavy fog set in. The kids and I decided it was a bad day to leave the house. Instead we stayed inside, where we ate brownies, made chicken soup, and addressed the envelopes for our holiday cards. The kids ate the brownies; I did the rest.

It feels good to have the holiday cards off my to-do list. Yesterday we finished the holiday decorating, and now it's full steam ahead to Thomas's 3rd birthday on Thursday and his birthday party on Saturday. This year it's all about his preschool and playgroup friends so I'm mentally preparing myself for a dozen little people running around in pirate gear. Should be crazy but a lot of fun, too.

It's that busy time of the year. Lazy days like today are good for me. I'm trying to take care of myself by not overdoing and getting too stressed out about trivial stuff. So far I think it's working; I don't feel nearly as crazed as I did this time last year. Let's hope that's still true after this upcoming weekend. Note to self: Don't forget to breathe!