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Saturday, December 31, 2005


Resolutions 2006

It's New Year's Eve. I just poured my first glass of Prosecco, my newest sparkling wine obsession. I've waited all day for this treat, asking Mike several times, "Is it time yet?"

Thomas is in bed. Last week Mike and I decided that he was old enough to go to bed without mommy's, um, breastesses. Mike now bathes him and puts him down himself. And guess what? Thomas is completely okay with this new turn of events; I think I am missing our nighttime cuddle more than he is. Isn't that always the case?

But what a difference sleep makes in a life! When I was thinking about 2005, I realized that my life got a whole lot nicer once Thomas started sleeping better, and that wasn't until he was around six months old. Wow. I now regularly think to myself, Life is good. This time last year I was thinking, How long can I stretch out this prescription for Vicodin?

Overall, 2005 was a good year for me. I realized more fully a dream I didn't even know I had: to be a recognized creative writer. It's such a high to do something you love and have the courage to tell the world about it. It's much better than drugs or even Prosecco. I say that with a glass of bubbly less than six inches from my hand, but I mean it. Seriously.

So what do I want to accomplish in 2006? What do I resolve?

  • In 2006, I resolve to continue writing.
  • In 2006, I resolve to submit more of my work to those who have the ability to reject it.
  • In 2006, I resolve to become better at accepting criticism including rejection.
  • In 2006, I resolve to attend BlogHer 2006. [Think about joining me!]
  • In 2006, I resolve to edit my 2005 NaNo novel.
  • In 2006, I resolve to participate in NaNoWriMo 2006.
  • In 2006, I resolve to take care of me, both physically and mentally. Because it's true what they say: If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
  • In 2006, I resolve to hug and kiss my babies as many times a day as I can fit into 24 hours. [Does that make sense? You know what I mean.]
  • In 2006, I resolve to read Heidi Raykeil's book Confessions of a Naughty Mommy. [Insert XXX music here.]

    That's it! Now on to my second glass of Prosecco, a cuddle with the husband, and the TV coverage of people with no kids partying it up in Times Square. But before I go, let me raise my glass to you: Here's to you in 2006!

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