My Photo
Location: Northern California

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Flashback to winter 1988 and another hairdo don't

Here's another picture of me for you to laugh and snicker over. Remember the summer I had pink hair? The following winter (winter 1988) I no longer wanted pink hair and by then my hair was so fried from bleach and dye that I just cut it short. Not as short as during the year of the bald eagle haircut, but pretty short.

This short:

I am 20 years old in this picture. It was taken at my aunt Davida's house sometime after Christmas. She gave me those tights and that leather fanny pack for Christmas. I liked the tights. The fanny pack? Not so much. Punks didn't wear fanny packs, but family has a way of cutting through the external tough girl packaging you've carefully put in place and exposing the uncool child that lives inside.

I no longer have the hairdo. I still have the fanny pack.

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