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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


J A Konrath is one funny dude

Mystery writer J A Konrath (Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary, Rusty Nail) has a very informative blog he calls A Newbie's Guide to Publishing.

From yesterday's post Writing Full Time: The Good and the Bad:

Good: You get to write for a living.

Bad: Writing is a small part of being a writer, and many other things actually take up most of your time.

Good: You can work when you want to.

Bad: It's hard to force yourself to work when you're in your own house with all your cool stuff, like the Internet and DVDs and books and video games.

Good: You don't need to dress for work.

Bad: Three days without bathing and even the dogs will avoid you.

Good: You get to see your name in print.

Bad: Your name is sometimes followed by "predictable, hackneyed, cliched, and formulaic."

There's more, too! Go check him out. He's one funny dude who also happens to know something about writing and the writer's life.

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