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Location: Northern California

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Tots on a Tear: Palo Alto Junior Museum

Yesterday the kids and I went on a field trip to the Palo Alto Junior Museum followed by lunch at Hobee's. It was a nice outing. And by nice I mean uneventful. And by uneventful I mean nobody made a poopy diaper that was more than I could handle, had to be carried kicking and screaming out of the museum, or disrupted lunch in a manner not conducive to me enjoying my double latte.

All in all, a splendid afternoon that made me realize having kids is a very nice thing. Click on the picture collage below to go to Flickr and see how much fun we had.

The Palo Alto Junior Museum is a toddler-friendly mini version of the Exploratorium. I love it. It's not a very big place, but it's clean and keeps the kids entertained on a rainy day. It's nice on a sunny day, too. There's an attached mini zoo that has loud ducks and other animals my kids are still too young to care about. Oh, and it's located next to a playground with areas suitable for picnicking.

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