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Location: Northern California

Thursday, June 15, 2006


The Tutu's Back In Town

Mike's mom is in town and we're having a blast. She's staying in The City with Auntie Jennie, but she came down to the madhouse our house today and watched the kids so that I could join Ep, Squid, Grace, and Badgermama for Bad Mamas Coffee. Thank you, Tutu!

Smiling for Auntie Jennie
Emily, Tutu, Me, and Thomas

She also deserves a giant meaty Thank you! for the humongous carton of food from Omaha Steaks she had delivered to our house. This lazy cook was mighty happy at the following sight:

A freezer full of meaty goodness
It's not all meat. Some of it's potatoes.

See how happy the kids are when we feed them?

Eating mommy's protein bars. Grrr.
Damn, they found my stash of "protein" bars.

Now I have a favor to ask of you, oh might mothers. Do you know any baby shower games that are fun but not painfully silly? Please advise; I'm hosting a baby shower soon and I need some insight. Thanks in advance!

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