Disco and Dim Sum
On Saturday we took the kids to this crazy, baby-filled event called Baby Loves Disco. Check out the link -- maybe there's one in your area! It was a lot of fun. They played all of the disco classics like "We Are Family."
The afternoon was a lot of fun. We're just sorry that Badgermama, Rook, and Moomin couldn't join us. Moomin just had his appendix taken out so he was not in the dancing mood. Squid and family couldn't make it either, but we did run into a friend of Mike's from Google--Chris DiBona--who was kind enough to take this photo of the four of us:

He and his wife also told us about Ralph's World, which sounds like a pretty cool experience for kids. The band plays in the Chicago area a lot, but I got on their mailing list for when they come back out West.
I've got to admit that getting just a little taste of the disco life made me want more. I tried to persuade Mike that after BLD we should go to dinner in The City, but it was a no go. He wanted to come home and I wanted to stay out. Unfortunately, that's a typical situation for us, me being the extrovert and he being the introvert. Maybe that's because for him, the house represents a peaceful oasis away from work (or something like that.) But for me, the house represents work, as in chores and cleaning and taking care of kids and writing. It's also the place I am 24/7; as a SAHM and part-time writer, my home is my office. Sometimes I just get sick of this place!
Which is why the kids and I are going to leave here early tomorrow morning and traipse around San Francisco like we're tourists, which we basically are. I thought we'd start with pastries and coffee in the Mission, then head over to Precita Eyes for toddler art hour, then... I don't know... lunch at that El Salvadorean restaurant on 24th that I love--El Trebol? Mama's in the mood for a field trip!
Today we had Dim Sum at Yank Sing in San Francisco. It was pleasant except Emily refused to eat lunch, opting instead to sit under the table (picture above.) At least Thomas was social:

OMG -- I just realized the plumber's crack/thong combo on the gal at the next table. Hello, Photoshop! This one needs some airbrushing before it goes in the photo album. More pictures of Baby Loves Disco and Dim Sum adventures on Flickr.
Technorati tags: weekend, life, Family, Friends, Baby Loves Disco
Living life is fun and we've just begun
To get our share of the world's delights
(HIGH!) high hopes we have for the future
And our goal's in sight
(WE!) no we don't get depressed
Here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong
This is our family Jewel
The afternoon was a lot of fun. We're just sorry that Badgermama, Rook, and Moomin couldn't join us. Moomin just had his appendix taken out so he was not in the dancing mood. Squid and family couldn't make it either, but we did run into a friend of Mike's from Google--Chris DiBona--who was kind enough to take this photo of the four of us:

He and his wife also told us about Ralph's World, which sounds like a pretty cool experience for kids. The band plays in the Chicago area a lot, but I got on their mailing list for when they come back out West.
I've got to admit that getting just a little taste of the disco life made me want more. I tried to persuade Mike that after BLD we should go to dinner in The City, but it was a no go. He wanted to come home and I wanted to stay out. Unfortunately, that's a typical situation for us, me being the extrovert and he being the introvert. Maybe that's because for him, the house represents a peaceful oasis away from work (or something like that.) But for me, the house represents work, as in chores and cleaning and taking care of kids and writing. It's also the place I am 24/7; as a SAHM and part-time writer, my home is my office. Sometimes I just get sick of this place!
Which is why the kids and I are going to leave here early tomorrow morning and traipse around San Francisco like we're tourists, which we basically are. I thought we'd start with pastries and coffee in the Mission, then head over to Precita Eyes for toddler art hour, then... I don't know... lunch at that El Salvadorean restaurant on 24th that I love--El Trebol? Mama's in the mood for a field trip!
Today we had Dim Sum at Yank Sing in San Francisco. It was pleasant except Emily refused to eat lunch, opting instead to sit under the table (picture above.) At least Thomas was social:

OMG -- I just realized the plumber's crack/thong combo on the gal at the next table. Hello, Photoshop! This one needs some airbrushing before it goes in the photo album. More pictures of Baby Loves Disco and Dim Sum adventures on Flickr.
Technorati tags: weekend, life, Family, Friends, Baby Loves Disco
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