Bye Bye Baby
Today was a nice day with the kids. I told Mike last night when we turned out the lights at a decent hour (11:00) that today I was going to have a fun day with the kids. "Tomorrow I'm going to have fun with the kids," I said.
Sometimes it's good to say things out loud. It helps to make them real, ya know.
Today was an uneventful day with no exciting field trips or potty training accidents that would make for a truly interesting blog entry. No, just a nice day during which the kids played various games of make believe involving plastic horses and beach balls and whatever else struck their fancy; and I called gardeners, landscape architects, and fencing contractors and puttered around doing laundry and making pancakes.
Yes, I made pancakes for breakfast! With strawberries and whipped cream, too! Hello, Mother of the Year!
During breakfast we watched Sesame Street and then I turned off the TV andforced encouraged the kids to play with their gigantic collection of toys while I called our local waste services company and rented a debris box. It's arriving this Thursday and we have one week to fill it to the brim. We won't be calling the upcoming holiday Labor Day for nothing. My only hope is that a 15 cubic yard box is big enough.
I'm making progress on my To Do list. I've got a gardener coming by tomorrow, the debris box coming on Thursday, and a fence contractor coming on Friday. Hopefully the fence contractor will be quick with a quote so I can make a decision (I've got another quote already) and schedule the work. The fence is the first thing that needs to happen. I don't want to do perimeter landscaping of the yard before the fence is replaced.
Sorry for boring you out of your mind. I'm getting this down mainly so I won't forget. I'm getting old, you know.
After lunch the kids sat quietly and watched Aladdin in its entirety and I got to take a shower uninterrupted. Praise Disney. Then a quick trip to Home Depot for work gloves (necessary) and decorating books (unnecessary) and Target for diswashing soap (necessary) and new clothes (unnecessary).
After a deliciously uneventful shopping trip with no potty accidents or tantrums (I know!), we returned home and I made a healthy dinner. I'm not kidding; we had roasted garlic tortellini with broccoli and green beans. To cap off a delightfully boring day, I read one of my new decorating books and then went running. I have a pretty good life.
Believe it or not, that's not what this post is about, however. This post is about how I am entering a new phase in my life as a mom. Two events are marking this milestone: (1) I gave away all of my baby stuff to my sister-in-law who is due in--OMG--less than three weeks, and (2) Emily starts preschool next week. And really, you could count (3) the fact that my kids let me make phone calls all morning while they played quietly in the other room, and (4) their ability to sit through an entire full-length movie as evidence of how different my life is now.
My baby days are over. I bought decorating books today to get ideas for decorating kids's rooms, not nurseries. Gone is the bassinet that both Emily and Thomas slept in until they started sitting up and we had to put them in the big kid crib. Gone are the Aquarium bouncer and the swing that kept the kids contained and entertained.


Man, how I loved that swing.
Gone are the boppies that allowed me the freedom to nurse and read People magazine at the same time. Long live the boppy. Gone is the baby tub in which I bathed Thomas every night until he was old enough to share a bath with Emily.
Gone is my trusty breast pump, my Medela Pump in Style. All you breastfeeding working moms know what I'm talking about when I say, that thing is the best. What a contraption. Every lactating mother should have one. When I mastered using that thing I felt like I could do anything. Climb any mountain? No problem! I just pumped 8 ounces of breastmilk out of my body without using my hands. Let's see a guy do that.
I don't mind letting go of the baby phase of my motherhood journey. It was a crazy, sleep-deprived time that I'm not sure I could survive if I had to do it again. But I'm certainly stronger for having done it. Bye bye, baby stuff. It's time you made another mom's life easier.
Technorati tags: babies, growing up, motherhood, life
Sometimes it's good to say things out loud. It helps to make them real, ya know.
Today was an uneventful day with no exciting field trips or potty training accidents that would make for a truly interesting blog entry. No, just a nice day during which the kids played various games of make believe involving plastic horses and beach balls and whatever else struck their fancy; and I called gardeners, landscape architects, and fencing contractors and puttered around doing laundry and making pancakes.
Yes, I made pancakes for breakfast! With strawberries and whipped cream, too! Hello, Mother of the Year!
During breakfast we watched Sesame Street and then I turned off the TV and
I'm making progress on my To Do list. I've got a gardener coming by tomorrow, the debris box coming on Thursday, and a fence contractor coming on Friday. Hopefully the fence contractor will be quick with a quote so I can make a decision (I've got another quote already) and schedule the work. The fence is the first thing that needs to happen. I don't want to do perimeter landscaping of the yard before the fence is replaced.
Sorry for boring you out of your mind. I'm getting this down mainly so I won't forget. I'm getting old, you know.
After lunch the kids sat quietly and watched Aladdin in its entirety and I got to take a shower uninterrupted. Praise Disney. Then a quick trip to Home Depot for work gloves (necessary) and decorating books (unnecessary) and Target for diswashing soap (necessary) and new clothes (unnecessary).
After a deliciously uneventful shopping trip with no potty accidents or tantrums (I know!), we returned home and I made a healthy dinner. I'm not kidding; we had roasted garlic tortellini with broccoli and green beans. To cap off a delightfully boring day, I read one of my new decorating books and then went running. I have a pretty good life.
Believe it or not, that's not what this post is about, however. This post is about how I am entering a new phase in my life as a mom. Two events are marking this milestone: (1) I gave away all of my baby stuff to my sister-in-law who is due in--OMG--less than three weeks, and (2) Emily starts preschool next week. And really, you could count (3) the fact that my kids let me make phone calls all morning while they played quietly in the other room, and (4) their ability to sit through an entire full-length movie as evidence of how different my life is now.
My baby days are over. I bought decorating books today to get ideas for decorating kids's rooms, not nurseries. Gone is the bassinet that both Emily and Thomas slept in until they started sitting up and we had to put them in the big kid crib. Gone are the Aquarium bouncer and the swing that kept the kids contained and entertained.

Gone are the boppies that allowed me the freedom to nurse and read People magazine at the same time. Long live the boppy. Gone is the baby tub in which I bathed Thomas every night until he was old enough to share a bath with Emily.
Gone is my trusty breast pump, my Medela Pump in Style. All you breastfeeding working moms know what I'm talking about when I say, that thing is the best. What a contraption. Every lactating mother should have one. When I mastered using that thing I felt like I could do anything. Climb any mountain? No problem! I just pumped 8 ounces of breastmilk out of my body without using my hands. Let's see a guy do that.
I don't mind letting go of the baby phase of my motherhood journey. It was a crazy, sleep-deprived time that I'm not sure I could survive if I had to do it again. But I'm certainly stronger for having done it. Bye bye, baby stuff. It's time you made another mom's life easier.
Technorati tags: babies, growing up, motherhood, life
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