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Location: Northern California

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Busy day, quick update, lots of love

I'm on track with my NaNoWriMo project. I am calling this year's novel The Novel, and yesterday I wrote 2000 delightfully crappy words. I'll do the same tonight after dinner. I might even go to a local NaNoWriMo meet-up and write-in, although the likelihood that I stay home and write while lounging in my jammies is pretty high. It's raining here, which is nice, and it feels like a night to stay in and tap tap away while sipping hot chocolate.

As you can tell from this post, I also am on track with NaBloPoMo. Two pats on the back for me.

Let's see... Want to know what's up with our backyard? Well, we're replacing our fence in two weeks and today I put a deposit down and signed a contract for our perimeter landscaping. How exciting! We're going to have a combination of birch and Japanese Maple trees interspersed with lavender and grasses and other neat plants. And yes, "neat" is a latin word that means low-maintenance, child-friendly, and black thumb-resistant.

And as far as Love Thursday goes, I love this girl:


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