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Location: Northern California

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I, Thomas

Dear Thomas,

Today you turned two years old. It seems like only yesterday that I pushed you into this world despite my horrible heartburn from eating Carl's Jr. fried potato hash browns for breakfast when I was in labor.

You are an amazing two year old. Tonight you blew out the candle on your cake without coaching or prompting. I am taking this as a sign that there are many, many more birthdays, candles, and cakes in your future. You have only just begun.

Job well done

Last week you said a sentence so long I wrote it down on a piece of paper and counted the words using the fingers of two hands. We were showing you some pictures of your new baby cousin and you said, "I wanna see again the baby Alex." That's a seven word sentence, my boy, and one that impressed me because of its length, its clarity, and its sensitivity.

You are a wonderful little boy. You are friendly, nice, sweet, easy going, a loving little brother, and a kid with a gift for music. Your favorite video features animated robots who play music and you call it "dancing robots." I love that.

Everybody who meets you likes you; you're just a great kid. Recently you started saying your name and now when I ask you, "What's your name?" you reply, "I Thomas!"

Birthday breakfast


Happy 2nd birthday.

Love, Mama

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