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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Real moms don't feel guilty

Heart yourself
Originally uploaded by marytsao.
Kari of Kari's Couch tagged me for Kristen of Motherhood Uncensored and The Mom Trap's Real Moms meme. Kristen doesn't do anything half-assed, including this meme, which she started on The Mom Trap, when she revealed to the Internets that real moms have flab. She then turned it into a blog of its own, Real Mom Truths. If you haven't seen it, go check it out. It turns out the real moms use videos as babysitters, sometimes have babies you can't see, and--in Kari's case--sometimes forget they are moms. Who knew?

Oh ya, other moms.

My post about real moms is in response to a piece I saw today on The Today Show about the "Mommy guilt" epidemic.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about how guilty moms feel because they sometimes forget to feed their children organic tater tots. Or because they are forced to leave them every day with a caregiver so that they can go earn a living. Why do they feel guilty? No mom who loves her children should feel guilty that she's not doing enough for them or spending enough time with them.

Do you feel guilty? If I was paranoid and kept my windows covered with foil, I might think that there is no mommy guilt epidemic and really it's just a case of the man trying to keep us down. Think about it.

Today when my nanny came over to watch the kids all day so that I could drive around town wearing a pretty dress, running errands and going to a Flower & Garden Show, do you think I felt guilty? Hells no! Not only did I not feel guilty, I felt positvely ELATED, OVERJOYED, and downright PRE-ORGASMIC.

Don't feel guilty, moms, please. Turn your inner voice from one that berates you into one that supports you and reminds you every day of what a great job you're doing raising your kids. Rise up against your oppressor! Stand up for who you know is right -- you! You are not doing the wrong thing; you are doing the right thing. And then when you're done, use your outer voice to call up your babysitter and schedule a break for yourself. You deserve it.