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Location: Northern California

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Me three

Thomas's language skills are progressing at an amazing rate. Preschool, which he has loved since the first day I dropped him off, has been good for him. Check out this exchange and marvel at his advanced comprehension and skills:

Me: I love butternut squash!

Emily: Me, too!

Thomas: Me, three!

Even Emily didn't understand this joke. She tried to explain to Thomas that he wasn't three, that he was only two.


In honor of the number three, here are three websites that I have discovered lately and that I really like:

  • Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project
    When I find myself focusing over-much on the anticipated happiness of arriving at a certain goal, I remind myself of one of my Twelve Commandments: “Enjoy the process.”

  • Curt Rosengren's The M.A.P. Maker [Meaning, Abundance, & Passion]
    Life isn't a static phenomenon. It's dynamic, ever-moving, and ever-shifting. So while the idea of achieving a static state of "work/life balance" is appealing to the part of us that desires the comfort of certainty, it doesn't have much to do with the real world.

  • Michael's Silly Waiter
    There is always some reason we do the work we do, it just might not be the reason you had in mind.


Also in honor of the number three, three items of gratitude:

  • Mickey Mouse still has the power to thrill young children. Thank you, Mickey Mouse. My kids love you!

  • Clean sheet make me happy. My sheets are in the washer right now. That means tonight I will sleep on clean sheets. Heaven.

  • Siblings who share make my life sweet. My kids are pretty good at this. I wish I knew the secret because I'd share it with the world.