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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Intergalactical Blog Reading Day

I am declaring today Intergalactical Blog Reading Day. Thank you for stopping by. I expect I will be very busy later reading through the (don't faint) 150 blogs on my Bloglines blogroll. When you consider most of those blogs have somewhere between 2 and 10 posts that I haven't read, well, you can imagine that I have a lot of reading to do. Hence the need for Intergalactical Blog Reading Day. This is bigger than local, bigger than national, bigger than international! It's intergalactical. I hope all of you out there will join me.

Please note that marking all as "read" doesn't count.

And speaking of reading, would you like to receive a weekly eNewsletter filled with the best of mommy and family blogging from around the blogosphere? I thought you might. Go here to get this wonderful thing, put together by the fabu Lisa Stone from BlogHer.

And speaking of newsletters, I finished my mothers club newsletter in one day! I did not procrastinate! Good for me. Two pats on the back and a large Pinda Colada.

I'm off to shower and take the kids to the post office, the printer, then to lunch with Auntie Jennie and Tutu in The City. But I'll be back later to participate in Intergalactical Blog Reading Day.

I leave you with a picture that captures the very essence of childhood: Children enjoying the simple pleasure of a cool sprinkler on a hot day. This is also a picture that captures the very essence of relaxed motherhood since it was taken by a mom who let her kids run in the sprinkler even though it meant wet clothes and shoes and two kids who would never want to leave the playground. This time let's skip the pats on the back, but I'd like two cherries and an extra shot of rum in that Pina Colada, if you don't mind.

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