Fireworks and Unicorns

Look at my kids wearing their windbreakers over their pajamas. Couldn't you just eat them?
Tonight we took Emily and Thomas to their first fireworks show and they (kind of) enjoyed it. At least we didn't have to leave after the first boom like we did when we took one-year old Emily two years ago. Thomas was fine with the noise, but preferred to bury his little face into my neck, which of course I did not mind as it put him in super close kissing range. Emily hated the noise, but was able to watch the display after Mike covered her ears with his hands. We were able to stay for the entire show, and we declared the night a success.
Our community is big on 4th of July festivities. The fireworks show is held at the local elementary school and tomorrow there will be a 4th of July parade and carnival at our local rec center. The theme this year is Flower Power -- 60s style. It should be cute to see a bunch of little kids wearing beads and flowers with peace symbols adorning their fringe vests. When our kids are older, we'll participate in the parade instead of just being spectators.
I'm glad I can give my kids such an idyllic childhood here in our suburban paradise. I look around at the things they have: clean clothes, parents who love them! toys, books, TV, car seats, running water! popsicles, indoor plumbing! and I am really happy that I can provide these things for them. If I woke up tomorrow and saw a unicorn standing in my yard, I wouldn't be surprised.
Happy Independence Day.
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