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Location: Northern California

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Things you might want to know. Or not.

Last week I took the kids to IKEA, which actually is a good place to take kids. For those of you who don't know everything there is to know about IKEA, they have various kid-friendly stations scattered throughout their stores. I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere (although something tells me it probably is), but our IKEA has a giant basket of balls at one point and several play houses at other points. Oh, and a wood slide by the kids's furniture section. It's neat.


Anyhoo, last week we went to IKEA and because the kids were with me, I didn't put much extra stuff into the basket. We got what we came for: one extra Billy shelf, 4 Jag table legs, and one coat rack. And some cookies. It was a good thing we didn't get a lot of extra stuff because when we got to the register I realized that I didn't have my wallet in my purse. Argh! I had switched to a new purse that morning and had forgotten my wallet at home. I had cash, but not enough for everything in the cart. This is when I had to decide between the coat rack and the two packages of hazelnut creme-filled cookies with enough money leftover for three frozen yogurt cones.

Frozen yogurt cone

Ya, I can always go back for that coat rack.

Actually, I've already gone back for the coat rack and because the kids weren't with me but my wallet was, I ended up with the coat rack and an amazing assortment of other MUST HAVE items. Including 8 salad plates for that dinner party we're going to have. Some day. And then a bunch of other table decoration items (vase, cloth napkins, table runner, candles) to match the plates for that dinner party that we're going to have. Some day.

Sometimes when I'm shopping I feel a little bit like the old lady who swallowed the fly. You know...

There was an old lady who swallowed a cat;
Fancy that to swallow a cat!
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

But minus the dying part. And with a beautifully decorated table to show for my efforts.


I confess to buying the latest issue of O Magazine. Yes, it's true. In it, I read a short article about S. Epatha Merkerson, whom I love from Law & Order. She spoke about how she was raised by a single mom who told her repeatedly: "You can do anything you want to do as long as you get an education." Good stuff.

In my endless quest to emulate those I admire, I said something along those lines to Emily tonight during dinner.

Emily: (After reciting the days of the week song...) Ya, I learned that in school, daddy.
Me: (Not exactly getting the quote right although hoping it's close enough...) Emily, if you keep going to school, you can be anything you want to be.
Emily: (without missing a beat...) I want to be a pirate!

Wannabe pirate


Tomorrow is the first of several Halloween related events. Because Emily's official costume isn't ready yet, I'm going to try and persuade her in the morning that last year's fairy costume is something special. That's plan A. Plan B is having everybody in the family wear all black and we will go as the-family-all-dressed-in-black. Because that's Halloween-y, right?

Oh, and have you gone to your local shopping district lately? Because guess what, Christmas decorations are out. Today I caught myself making a list of things to get people. It's October 7! Hold me, I'm scared.