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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Annoying little thing called NaNoWriMo

Almost one week into NaNoWriMo and I am experiencing the pain. Physically, my wrists hurt if I attempt more than 2000 words in one day. Mentally, there's always this nagging little voice in my inner ear, reminding me that I HAVE SOMETHING TO DO. That something, of course, is making my daily word count.

But here's the interesting thing: I have been amazingly productive this month. This isn't so surprising because many times procrastination comes disguised as productivity. Wait, did I just schedule our holiday photo shoot, buy all of the supplies for Thomas's birthday party in December, find a babysitting situation for our wedding anniversary night out, vacuum the entire house, clean two toilets with an old toothbrush, and do a yoga DVD while waiting for my hair dye to work? I must have a novel to write!

Speaking of which...