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Tuesday, May 16, 2006


DOPA is the new crack

And we all know that crack is whack, right?

I'm about to run off to dinner with friends, but I wanted to tell you about my latest BlogHer post. It's about some new legislation Congressperson Fitzpatrick (R-Pa) is calling the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA).

As someone who knows a bit about online social networks, I think this legislation is both crack and whack. I encourage you to go read my post, check out danah boyd's post and Liz Ditz's post, then go to Will Richardson's wiki and draft a letter to your Representative*. I did.

As I told Liz, I particularly like what what Will Richardson wrote: "this bill will simply delete our ability to effectively prepare our students for a life that will more and more be intertwined with the Web." In other words, this legislation is not the answer. What is? How about parents being educated about online social communities and understanding their importance to the youth of today? It's simply a different world than the one we grew up in; let's try and get used to it.

Gotta run, but look for Scooba posting tomorrow (I love robots!) as well as the details of my conference call with... Maria from Sesame Street (aka Sonia Manzano)! Details tomorrow...

*On the flip side, leave a comment telling me I'm full of crack. Let's start a discussion!

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