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Location: Northern California

Friday, May 12, 2006


Thank you, Troll Baby Graphics!

Many of you have noticed that Mom Writes has a new look. Isn't it exciting? Gone are the eye-numbing pink and the generic Blogger template. Here are the nice, clean background and the dark type. Here are the beautiful graphic and the soothing blue links. To me, this template says: the sky's the limit. I hope you agree. When Lisa Stone complimented me on my template, I told her I had caught myself matching my outfits to it. That's normal, right?

What's that? You want a new template you can match with your outfits, too? Cool! Then I suggest you check out Karen Rani and Troll Baby Graphics. Karen's easy to work with and obviously brilliant. If you need further proof, go check out her personal blog Troll Baby. Pretty sweet, huh?

P.S. While I have been known to blog for free beer, I paid Karen for the opportunity to write this testimonial. And it was worth every penny. The beers (wine, margaritas, etc.) we will be drinking together at BlogHer? Those will merely be to celebrate our mutual respect and admiration for one another.

P.P.S. No, I am not drunk now.

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