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Location: Northern California

Friday, May 19, 2006


Everything's gone green

First, I saw this Better off Red collage on Amberbamberboo. Then I saw this Purple in London collage on Cotton-Pickin' Days. Then I went around my house taking photographs of all the green things I could find.

This is what I made. Click on the image to see the individual photos in Flickr.

Green Mosaic

I like the color green. To me, it represents growth, change, and movement. Spring is a good time to contemplate and fall in love with the color green.

What I like the most about this collage is that the items pictured here are straight out of my everyday life. I probably took over sixty photos of green items, and when I had to delete a bunch to get down to these thirty, it was hard. Not because I was deleting good photos, per se, but because I was deleting things that are personal to me: T's shoes, my vase, Emily's pants. It was surprisingly difficult to edit out those photos, as if I was removing the actual items from my life.

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