The Devil and Da Juice
Internets, I feel a minor attack of blogger's block coming on. Is my life really that boring?? Is it true that I have nothing to say??
Maybe it's the heat. Or maybe I am in a pre-BlogHer state of despair. I'm feeling overwhelmed and the darn thing hasn't even happened yet. What the heck.
Anyway, here are some life updates from the home front:
Potty training continues to go according to plan, and yes, that would be Emily's plan. Today we stayed home and she pranced around wearing nothing but... nothing, and sometimes she peed in the potty (hurrah!) and once she peed on the floor (awww!) But she's getting the hang of it and I feel we are moving in the right--the diaperless--direction.
Luckily, Amanda has no problem with nudity or public displays of peeing (PDP). That's right! Amanda of Mandajuice came over today with her awesome son Alex and her daughter (the best baby ever, seriously) Genoa. So cute! All three of them! Of course we talked about boobs. Because you can never talk too much about boobs. But we also talked about kids and growing up and moving and preschool and food allergies and blogging and BlogHer and ClubMom and all kinds of good things. Our playdate was a lot of fun.
Tonight I met some girlfriends at the movies and we saw The Devil Wears Prada. Seeing the movie made me want to stop eating, lose a bunch of weight, start dressing better, and generally be somebody else because it looked like so much fun. Even when it didn't look at all like fun. All signs of a good movie. Meryl Streep was excellent. That voice! That silver hair! She is a beautiful woman.
Enough rambling. Here are some shots from today's playdate.

Sharing snacks

Cute undies

I see the resemblance

Beautiful baby

The sign of a successful playdate
Technorati tags: kids, toddlers, playdate, Mandajuice, Devil Wears Prada
Maybe it's the heat. Or maybe I am in a pre-BlogHer state of despair. I'm feeling overwhelmed and the darn thing hasn't even happened yet. What the heck.
Anyway, here are some life updates from the home front:
Potty training continues to go according to plan, and yes, that would be Emily's plan. Today we stayed home and she pranced around wearing nothing but... nothing, and sometimes she peed in the potty (hurrah!) and once she peed on the floor (awww!) But she's getting the hang of it and I feel we are moving in the right--the diaperless--direction.
Luckily, Amanda has no problem with nudity or public displays of peeing (PDP). That's right! Amanda of Mandajuice came over today with her awesome son Alex and her daughter (the best baby ever, seriously) Genoa. So cute! All three of them! Of course we talked about boobs. Because you can never talk too much about boobs. But we also talked about kids and growing up and moving and preschool and food allergies and blogging and BlogHer and ClubMom and all kinds of good things. Our playdate was a lot of fun.
Tonight I met some girlfriends at the movies and we saw The Devil Wears Prada. Seeing the movie made me want to stop eating, lose a bunch of weight, start dressing better, and generally be somebody else because it looked like so much fun. Even when it didn't look at all like fun. All signs of a good movie. Meryl Streep was excellent. That voice! That silver hair! She is a beautiful woman.
Enough rambling. Here are some shots from today's playdate.

Technorati tags: kids, toddlers, playdate, Mandajuice, Devil Wears Prada
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