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Location: Northern California

Friday, November 17, 2006


Day 17: In Good Company

Even though I've now got two neighbors irked about the brand new, beautiful fence that is being built between our yards--yes, the lovely fence that's replacing the 45-year-old falling down fence--I do have three small rays of joy penetrating the dark cloud that can only come from having an 80-year-old man yelling at me at 9 in the morning about the fact that there's dirt on his moss.

*Deep breath*

The three rays of joy are:

  • Rosa is here taking excellent care of my children. I am sequestered in my office with a cup of coffee on my desk, a day to call my own, and my NaNoWriMo novel at 30,210 words. My blood pressure is lowering already.

  • Both the fence and the landscaping will be done by Thanksgiving. Half of the landscaping is already complete; the guys came yesterday and planted my precious and beautiful Japanese maples. In just another week this particular hell will be over, and I will be left alone in my heaven of a backyard with a solid fence sheltering me from my crabby neighbors who hate change.

  • Laurie Toby Edison and Deb Notkin of Body Impolitic are presenting the 27th Carnival of Feminists and they included my post Guilty Mommy Doesn't Live Here Anymore. What an honor to be in such company as Liza Sabater of CultureKitchen, Kris of Wonder Mom, Erin of A Dress a Day, and all the other great writers featured in Laurie and Deb's roundup. Once in awhile, I really get this blogging thing right. Thank you, Laurie and Deb.

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