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Location: Northern California

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Excuse me while I gloat

Ahhhh. There's nothing like the feeling of having a gigantic list of things to do behind you, and a night of hot chocolate, the boob tube, and relaxing in front of you. With the kids better this week, things finally returned to normal around here. I've been chiseling away at my to do list and tonight is the first night I can truly relax, that I don't have something to do or something I'm putting off doing.

It feels like life has been hectic since before Halloween. Who decided that a major holiday a month was a good idea? And yes, I consider Halloween to be a major holiday, with all of the pumpkin-related festivities that begin sometime around the first of October. Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. Oh, and throw in Thomas's birthday between Thanksgiving and Christmas for an added bonus round of planning and organizing and shopping fun. I'm sure it didn't help that I signed up for NaNoWriMo. I might have to re-think that decision this year; I'm not sure I can take another season of being constantly busy every day for months in a row.

I'm going away next weekend for my annual rest-n-relaxation retreat. I'm so excited at the thought of being alone for an entire weekend with nobody to please, clean up after, answer to, cater to, or cook for other than myself that I'm actually tingly at the thought. I'm heading to wine country again although I won't be going to any wineries since I'm still sober. I'll probably spend my time exercising, walking around, shopping, eating, and reading. Last year I took my computer, which I never plugged in once. This year I'm leaving it at home and bringing a trashy novel instead.

Speaking of sobriety, according to the World Famous Sobriety Calculator, I am 23 days, 19 hours, and 42 minutes sober. It feels longer than that, although I realized today that I no longer think about drinking. I really don't miss it, and I'm happy that an added bonus of no longer imbibing 1000 calories worth of alcohol every day is that I've lost over five pounds. Not a bad trade-off.

P.S. Emily's been saying some funny things lately. Among my favorites are, "Uh oh, I'm going to bless you!" (said before she sneezed), and "I'm just getting the nuts out!" (said as she brushed the "nuts" out of her hair). That girl.

Emily ready to go