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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Random Mommy role models

Suitcase after packing
Originally uploaded by marytsao.
How come I'm not asleep?!?! I only write that because in less than five hours I have to get up and catch a 6:10 AM flight to Chicago. I'm taking the kids to Illinois to visit family over Easter. This is the first time since our August 2005 trip to San Antonio that I've flown alone with both kids. And I'm actually not worried at all. We have a direct flight; they each are carrying their own backpack filled with toys, crayons, paper, and gummy worms; and even though I have decided not to bring a portable DVD player for the plane, I'm sure they'll be fine. I'm sure I'll be fine, too.

The backpack idea was one that I swiped from a mom I remember seeing many years ago on a flight to Chicago. I'll never forget this mom. She was flying alone with her twin preschool-aged boys, and she was so efficient. The boys had on backpacks, and the minute they boarded she whipped off the backpacks and took from each the kid's blanket, sippy cup, and toy. Wham, bam, done. Meanwhile, my twenty-something self was lugging a purse, a shoulder bag, and probably at least one plastic shopping bag filled with last minute necessities. I could barely take care of myself and this woman had mastered the art of taking care of two other people as well as herself.

I think of that mom a lot, especially when I fly with my kids. She's one of my mommy role models even though I never met her and my only knowledge of her mothering skills was my observation from that one moment in time when our paths were on a similar trajectory.

I've been meaning to write something about mommy role models, something about how I've cobbled together an image in my mind that's a little bit my mom, a little bit my aunts, a little bit my grandma, a little bit my sister, and a little bit of a whole bunch of women whom I've seen commit random acts of mothering that I thought were cool.

Do you have any random mommy role models?